Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Install Rapidleech On Your PC

How to install rapidleech on my PC?

You can build rapidleech server on your pc with local host.

You have to do is:
  1. Download xammp to build localhost from this link.
  2. Download script rapidleech from here.
  3. Extract file xammp and copy to directory C:/ on yor computer
  4. Extract file rapidleech and copy to directory C:/xampp/host/
  5. Run xammp (apache service must be run, check icon xammp on right-bottom computer)
  6. Open http://localhost/rapidleech/ on your favourite browser
  7. The server localhost is already to use as a downloade file from server storage, with speed depending on your internet connection.
If you want to use rapidshare leech on website you can check on PremiumLink Generator.